Second Phrase
Presently, the national mineral industry datasets (geology, airborne geophysics, and mineral occurrences) generated by the collective efforts of the United States government and the government of Liberia are all available in digital format. This sector can now boost a modern mineral licensing system since the 1960s.
In addition to the USGS mineral investigation in Liberia, the mineral resources of Liberia were also investigated for gold, base metals, and other industrial minerals by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) between 1968 and 1972. These additional commodities are listed below: Metallic minerals: Uranium, Barite, Base metals, Bauxite, Clay, Kyanite, Manganese Phosphate, Silica Sand, Coltan (columbo tantalite), Technology metals: (niobium, tantalum, rare earth elements, lithium, beryllium).

Mineral Tenure
The Liberian Mining law, revised in 2000, categorizes mineral titles into Exploration, Reconnaissance, and Prospecting, and classifies mining licenses into Class A, B, and C. The Ministry of Mines and Energy administers the sector, granting exploration, reconnaissance, prospecting, and mining licenses. The Department of Mineral Exploration and Research grants research licenses, while the Department of Mines grants mining licenses. The Ministry of Mines oversees the energy sector and aims for equitable and optimal exploitation of Liberia’s mineral resources for sustainable growth and socio-economic development.
NLMC Gold Property Location & Accessibilities
Generally, Eighty percent (80%) of the rural road connectivity has been damage as a result of the 15 years of civil conflict. Some rehabilitation and recent construction have been in progress since 2005. Access to the rural part of the Country is by means of unconditioned and deplorable laterite road. Moreover, in some part of the country access is lacking due to damage bridges. In the more remote parts of the Country, access is only possible by motorbike or on foot.
New Liberian Mining Company project area is no exception to the road conditions in the rural part of Liberia. New Liberian Mining Company license area is no exception to these conditions. The license is located in Grand cape mount county, western Liberia. It can be reached from Monrovia along a well-maintained Asphalt Road via Clay to Tubmanburg (62 km). From Tubmanburg to Lofa bridge (11km) before heading for Weajue town. From Weajue, the project site can be reach by a 21km poorly maintained laterite road to Fulah camp town. This road has been partially upgraded by a logging company.

Climate and Operating Season
Liberia experiences a tropical and humid climate with a mean average temperature of 270 C (810 F). The rainy season, from April to October, can reach 510 cm on the coast and 200 cm in inland areas.
The dry season, from December to February, has an average relative humidity of 78%. Fieldwork can be conducted year-round, but access to remote areas during the rainy season can be challenging due to poor road conditions or wooden bridges.

Liberia is characterized by three distinct topographical belts parallel to its coastline. The low-lying coastal belt, with tidal creeks, lagoons, sandy beaches, and mangrove swamps, is 15km to 80km wide.
The second topo belt, the Nimba and Wologisi ranges, is characterized by low mountains and plateaus. The country has six principal rivers, including the Mano, Lofa, St. Paul, St John, Cestos, and Cavalla, all flowing southwest into the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the country is heavily forested due to tropical rain forests.

Local Geology of Project Site
The New Liberian Mining Company project consists of dominant Archaean basement rocks, characterized by Granodiorite gneiss, green stone belt, and diorite dykes. These lithologies have undergone intense deformation and shearing, allowing gold mineralized fluid to concentrate.
Two types of ultramafic were identified: shear ultramafic and unsheared ultramafic. Unsheared ultramafic is massive, with magnetite composition and chlorite alteration, while shear ultramafic shows banded structure and intense siliceous alteration.

Prospectively of the NLMC Project
The Archean green stone belt, stretching from Avesoro mining company to Nbalama gold mine, is home to a high-potential shear Zone lode gold deposit. This deposit, extending from 10-20 meters in width and 25 meters in depth, is characterized by significant silica alteration. The project also has potential for placer gold deposits due to the deep and intense tropical weathering profile, which favors the concentration of these deposits. These deposits, approximately 2-4 meters thick and narrow, are mined by artisanal miners, indicating significant potential for bedrock-hosted gold mineralization in Liberia.

NLMC - current mine activities
The Gold & Diamond Mining Company in New Liberian faced challenges in processing ore due to lack of proper equipment. Management began using local mini-crusher/grinding machines, known as Kata-Kata Machines, for gold recovery. With 15 machines working daily, each achieving 20-30 grams of gold per day, the company achieved a total recovery of 40,500 grams over 90 days. The rock hardness of the ore made recovery more expensive.